There was a hill at the dump across the highway from our school. And whoever drove the truck would back the truck up to the edge of the hill, then press the lever lifting up the box in the back spilling all the garbage out of the box and down the hill.
We did that one day, bunch of us Junior boys. The supervisor backed up the the edge of the hill. All the boys....I never did that before....but I heard of it....and they all started shouting and laughing. We were standing on top of all the garbage maybe a half dozen of us boys. And they told me as we got closer to the hill to make sure I grab onto the front of the box. And hang on!
So I did. All of a sudden the box began to lift....and they were all laughing in sheer excitement. I got scared but all I could do was hang on for dear life as the front of the box lifted high....higher....and still higher as all the garbage began to move under our feet. The box jilted and still we went higher. I looked down as all the bags of garbage dropped from under our feet....and I could see the bottom of the hill way way down. Our feet dangled straight downwards as we hung some thirty feet in the air from the bottom!
I hung on for dear life as the truck suddenly jumped forward with all of us hanging off the back of the truck!! Finally....finally the box came back down, and I was so glad when my feet landed on solid wood once again. I never ever did that again! That was way too crazy for me!!
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