Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hi Verne,
Thanks a lot for the quick and extremely helpful response Verne, it's good to see that you had mostly positive experiences at Lejac and continue to have a positive life philosophy. Do you mind if I read some aspects of the below email in my presentation? Particularly about the lack of formal training given to those put in change of looking after you? I believe Lejac was in Dakelh/Carrier land, are you Carrier or did you come from one of the neighbouring tribes or communities? Also, what were some of the things you did in your free time after and between classes? I see hockey was common, but what about during the fall and spring? I hope this question is not too personal, and if it is please don’t feel any need to answer it, but did you feel that by the end of your years at Lejac that there had been a genuine effort to assimilate or otherwise remove aboriginal traditions or cultural aspects from yourself and your classmates? Thank you very much Verne, your help has been immensely helpful! Take care,

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